Archive for February, 2008

Wisdom from an old blue Geo

I’m really not a fan of religious bumper stickers. In fact, they turn my stomach a lot of the time because they can get super ridiculous. But so can any bumper sticker so I don’t limit my distaste to just religious ones, I guess. But earlier this week I saw one I would actually sport on my little Yaris. I was driving behind a beat-down blue Geo. Remember those? The guy driving I could clearly see, or not so clearly since it was the back of his head mostly, was an eclectic. His back seat was filled to the brim almost with who knows what. He drove at a very slow pace but that could be because of the stuff, or to merely  make sure people could read this:

God is too BIG to fit in one religion.

What do you think?

Video: Who hasn’t had a bad prom?

I know I have. If you want to read more about it, go here. But because my job is pretty cool (I have my moments), I got to go get my groove on and still call it work. Please forgive any darkness in the video, we aren’t really at a point of super fancy lighting yet. Ah, maybe one day…

Click the pic

Working Texas like a hot date

It’s Hillary and Obama madness here. No sign of mass hysteria for Huckabee though. Meanwhile McCain is getting a boost because of rumors of working up a real hot date. I mean the commercials alone by all campaigns are like love letters to us. And I’m convinced that Texas may very well vote democratic afterall and possibly for Obama even if he has a photo floating around with him dressed in African garb. Since when was it a bad thing to wear African clothes in Africa? I’m not really going on the defense for Obama (I’m not completely sure if his camp didn’t circulate that photo to bash the Clinton crew) but what a lame attempt. When in Rome right? 

I know I’ve stated before who I’m voting for, but here I go again…about to board the unsure train all over again. I’ve heard you guys speak up and I’ve thought about everything you have said. March 4 is fast approaching. My hand will be unsteady. I may even need a shot before going in. I’ve never been so nervous in my life for this country.

Me and Barry…

Tricked ya. I’m not really dating a guy named Barry. I scored some free tickets from my favorite local radio station and I am confessing right now that I actually went to a Barry Manilow concert last night. When in doubt — go to a concert, I always say. Well, I really don’t say that, but you just never know who you may see there. I went with another single friend who loves Manilow. And may I add that I saw a good crop of good-looking lads — too bad they were looking at each other. Read more

Dallas Obama rally: Close but yet so far…

Damn line…When I heard that Barack Obama was coming to Dallas today, I naively thought, “Eh. We’ll get in.” He was supposed to speak at noon. I drove to our main office, walking distance from Reunion Arena, and strolled in about 11. Boy, that was stupid. By the time we got there, we were in a major line. Not just any line. A line that could wrap around a football field — three times, easy.

Reunion Arena, I’m told, holds 16,000 however 17,000 were allowed in. After tons of patience I almost never have, some cutting in line and determination, we were eventually seconds away from the doors and got turned away.


Some douchey guy with Obama’s team gave us the bad news that he would not be giving another speech outside, as was told to everyone in line prior to his first speech. Obama was already 10 minutes into is monologue when we all started yelling our objections to feeling a little shafted. Come to find out from our camp that some people came to Reunion at 4 a.m.!!!

I admit that I was pretty surprised to see that many diverse, concerned, and well, hell — that many people in DALLAS who even gave a damn. Superfical, always-having-its-mind-on-other-things-like-bottle-service-bars Dallas. I feel like a schmuck. I guess I can say I was there. But I didn’t hear crap.

The really sad part of the whole thing is — actually two sad things:

We had our badges which clearly state who we work for. However all of us didn’t really get ballsy enough to push completely ahead and walk right in with them. Security was kind of tight.

And second, Reunion Arena is so ghetto and broke down that the outside speakers weren’t hooked up for us to hear the speech from outside.

Continue reading

Should we follow advice columns?

I’m going to post what I’ve been posting over at my work blog. I’m really confused by these steps written by Quick writer Bridgette Williams. Am I just daft or are these really the best steps toward learning to love yourself and in turn land a guy? I want your opinions so you tell me.

Read them in their entirely here: 

and here:

But what I’m having issues with is her steps 6 thorough 8. It’s a walking contradiction.

6. Realize, reconcile, repeat. Let me explain. I’ve got a friend who engages in flirtatious banter with a bevy of boys – some she actually likes, some she doesn’t.

This creeps me out because I don’t understand why you would flirt with someone whom you have no interest in. That’s just mean. But I can reconcile it with the fact that you have to start somewhere, and flirting is as good a starting point as any.

7. Recruit a romantic role model. While my friend’s tactics are different than mine, I consider her a romantic role model. Find someone who navigates the dating world as a man magnet and find ways to emulate her.

8. Understand your love perspective. I was raised by guys. So it’s highly likely that I will have a guy’s point of view on most issues, like the whole flirting for flirting’s sake thing. My point is, if you know you don’t like the color, why are you trying on the dress?

So here is where I’m lost. I thought that if I had the flirty friend I am supposed to follow her lead but she just said not to flirt for flirting’s sake. I’m bringing all this up because as you go on your journey trying to figure out what is wrong with you or find out what to do with yourself by reading these advice columns, start dissecting.

I know we are all seeking for knowledge. Obviously because we are bloggers. And bloggers read other bloggers to get advice. Sometimes it’s good and other times…One thing I do agree with is the idea of loving yourself. But shouldn’t you figure out on your own how to do that. Can someone really tell you how to love you?

How to take the higher road…

Deciding it doesn’t matter what an emotionally inept blogger has to say about you. By the end of the day, does it really matter what he or she believes? Blogs are great in that we are able to voice our thoughts to everyone and anyone. And we hear new viewpoints. All of which should be constructive. The blogs I can’t stand are the ones that attack people from just one blog post instead of reading the whole thing. Thanks Nectarfizz for pointing that out and Micky for getting my back. And that’s the cool thing right there. Both bloggers I mentioned are vastly different. And I’m different in many ways from them. But somehow we make it all work over here. Even when we don’t all agree. What we can agree on though is realizing we are not defined by people who don’t have a clue about us.

But because we all just need to laugh. Here is this gem…

Oh no. I’m not PC.

Oh noes! Iz aint PC! 

I need to point out this blogger. And may I say this “boomer” knew exactly what he/she was doing when they posted this. And he/she pretty much got what they wanted — I’m talking about it. This is what they are in a tizzy about.

I have to vote for someone…and that someone will not be McCain. Mostly because he’s downright too old. I’m not an ageist. I just don’t think he will be able to handle the stress of the role he will have at hand. Eight years ago? Maybe. Today? Even though I find this guy to be tough as nails and possibly the best to handle wartime, I don’t know if we need another heart-attack.

What’s funny, I’ve been more attacked about the Obama mention. So it’s refreshing to be yelled at about something else! I’m not always PC. And neither are most of you. I would like to know what this person thinks about blacks, Latinos, women, Jews, PETA. What does this person say in the privacy of his/her own home?

Does that make us all stupid? Well, that’s up for opinion. I appreciate someone like this stepping up to call me out on something I said that he/she isn’t thrilled with. But I hope this post will expound their thoughts a little more. Why so bitter?

Anyway, I left a comment over there. And yes. I misspelled a word or two in it due to my moment of “passion.” See. I guess I MUST stupid — and human.

Video: Your lowercase “t” is showing…

Since I’ve been in the doldrums of political madness this week, I’m going to post a slice of funny. Well. I hope it’s funny anyway. Here is a video we shot for work that shows me, the “Eligible Editor” (blah) and her friend getting their handwriting analyzed.

Here’s what I can tell you that wasn’t kid-friendly or good for tape:

1. My “y’s” show that I have a high sex drive. Hum.

2. My “t’s” show that I have a slight self-esteem problem. Really?! I didn’t think I did but maybe that’s just something you don’t really know but just get told to you?

3. Apparently I don’t really have high standards when it comes to men. I don’t know about now but that sure does explain my past flubs!!

Click the pic and enjoy…


OK, Obama. I’ll vote for you…

I’m not really surprised how well Obama is doing in the polls (he also landed a Grammy for the Photo “ribbed” from The Weekly Standard. That’s the only thing ripped…Best Spoken Word for the audio version of his book The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream.) I’m also not really surprised that McCain has found his way to being the republican candidate. What is a fence-sitter to do?

Vote. That’s what I have to do as a responsible American. I have to vote for someone…and that someone will not be McCain. Mostly because he’s downright too old. I’m not an ageist. I just don’t think he will be able to handle the stress of the role he will have at hand. Eight years ago? Maybe. Today? Even though I find this guy to be tough as nails and possibly the best to handle wartime, I don’t know if we need another heart-attack.

Age is nothing but a number you might say. But there is something to be said for innovation, fresh ideas (I’M NOT SAYING CHANGE) and youth. Sorry to say this, but youth is king in America. Young people created everything we “worship” in today’s times of technology, ideology and every damn other “ology” you can think of and I’m curious to see what Obama is going to bring to the table.

Don’t misunderstand, as I’ve written before: I’m scared as hell about what we may be up against — with either candidate. And although I will admit that I want to see Bill gallivanting on the White House green once again, I’m not sure I want to see his wife. Something rings weird to me about that lady. I’m not exactly giving wonderfully political witticisms here. Just that I think that chick is weird. And I don’t want her finger on the button. Not necessarily because she’s a woman — she is a woman, don’t forget just because she’s hardened — but I will quote a female family member to remain nameless, “I think she would just crawl into a ball when times got rough.” I think my family member to remain nameless said that because, Hilary is a woman. I’m not going to lie. I would love to see success like that but part of me worries about a woman president just the same. Unless it is Geena Davis. That woman could kick Bin Laden’s tookus. Seriously…didn’t you guys watch the short-lived, but utterly awesome Commander in Chief? Why did it fail? Probably because she was a woman.

And the funny part is these are my results of which candidate to vote for who supports my views?? Crap, I’m more radical than I thought. Just look where Ron Paul scored on my test. That can’t be right…

Anyway, this just leaves me Obama. Call it jumping on the bandwagon but I have to choose, right? I’m sorry, I lived in Nebraska. And to know he even won THERE, changed my mind.