Archive for the ‘doomed’ Category

Countdown to stupidity…

You republicans must have sweaty hands and clammy skin right now awaiting Sarah Palin’s debate against Joe Biden tonight. I, for one, or for more than probably half of the population, can’t wait. I’m not a democrat. I’m not a republican. But I am someone who depends on a candidate to know the basic logistics of things. Although I know that Palin is the perfect chum to the media sea of sharks (not to mention comedians), she isn’t making things easier on herself by having constant interviews displaying her Miss Carolina-esque knowledge of the world. The Iraq and everything such as…

Is anyone else more than bothered, bewildered and just plain scared of the possibility of someone an aneurysm away from being president who can’t see past her shotgun pointed moose? And who needs a tanning bed in the governor’s mansion? Yea, yea…they don’t get much sun there. But a tanning bed? There may not be offical “dirt” on Palin, however I’m still feeling uneasy. And the same can be said about Biden.

I predict Biden will come out like a crazed attack dog. A good friend of mine expects to hear a few censorship blips when Biden speaks and I she finds his candor hilarious.  I told her that I’m not a fan. I don’t see how a guy who, before the presidential election was in full swing, wasn’t Obama’s biggest fan but is now his running mate.

My prediction, and forgive me if this may sound a little violent and quite possibly the most awful thing I have ever typed:

Obama gets in the White House by dirty voting joined with legitimate votes from the millions who want “change,” just so Biden gets in the vice president seat.

Biden has Obama taken out.

Please rise for Joe Biden, the President of the United States.

“Hey, John! Now we can be friends again…”